Fred Rosen

Travel Consultant For Persons With A Disability

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This Book is dedicated to the millions of persons in the USA who have a disability and wish to travel. Not disabled persons, but persons with a disability. To say that you are someone who is disabled is to imply that you are incapable of performing or acting on you own. But having a disability only signifies that you are limited to what you can or cannot do.
FOREWORD Do you know that there are about 43 million persons in the USA with some form of disability? Many of these people are concerned that they may not be able to enjoy the same activities, such as travel, that persons without a disability do. This book is written for persons with a disability, as a guidebook to your rights and information on how to travel to accomodate various disabilities. Prior to 1986, little or no attention was paid to a person with a disability who wanted to travel. Since 1986, two acts were passed by the Congress of the United States mandating that travel should be made equally available to all persons, disabled or not. The first act, passed in 1986, The Air Carriers Access Act (ACAA), defined what air carriers and airports must do to make aircraft and airports accessible to persons with disabilities. The second act, The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, defined, among its many regulations, what public transportation and accommodations must offer to make their facilities accessible to persons with disabilities. The Act also states that facilities must be made accessible if it is not too difficult or expensive. the ADA does not mandate that the facilities be made usable. These two acts have made it easier for persons with a disability to travel, but have not solved all the problems. Let us hope that in the near future that all forms of travel and accommodations will become available and fully accessible for all persons regardless of their disability.

PREFACE The Boy Scouts of America have a motto, "BE PREPARED". This also applies to you, the traveler with a disability. BE PREPARED. Regardless of the mode of transportation or destination, there are certain things for you to consider before traveling: Planning to travel is a two-way street. It involves a partnership between you, the traveler with a disability, and the travel industry. Both you and your travel agent should work together in securing the accessibility and accommodations you need. But even with all the proper preparations, something can go wrong. This guidebook is written to cover these considerations according to the mode of transportation selected as well as other aspects of travel such as destinations and dining out. ~~~ Copyright© 1997 by Fred Rosen. All rights reserved. 

Fred Rosen

Fred Rosen was born 1926 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He and his wife, Gertrude, are the parents of a son who has been diagnosed as having Down's Syndrome. Since the birth of their son Robert, Fred has been active in helping persons with disabilities. Fred has served on various boards and committees for some 30 years. Upon retirement from the wholesale shoe business in 1991, Fred decided to become a travel agent. His goal was to develop a travel program for persons with disabilities. He studied Tourism and Travel at Forest Park Community College, St. Louis, Missouri, and earned an Associate Degree in Tourism, with honors, in 1993. Since 1993, Fred has been associated with Hausler Travel Associates, St. Louis, Missouri as a travel consultant for persons with a disability. He is also a contributing editor for The Independence, a Saint Charles, Missouri newspaper for persons with a disability, and has contributed articles for The Montage, a campus newspaper of Meramec Community College, Saint Louis, Missouri. The articles that Fred writes concern forms of travel as well as accommodations, dining out and cruising for persons with a disability. It is Fred's hope that some day travel will be fully accessible for everyone and that this guidebook will allow persons with a disability to enjoy every facet of life including vacationing and travel.

by Fred Rosen
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